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It’s great to meet you.

Hi, I’m Bec, a single Mum to 3 boys – Isaiah, Flinn and Hudson.  I grew up in Northampton, then spent 16 years living in Sydney, Australia where my boys were born before returning home in 2019. 

I fell in love with photography during my A-Levels and was lucky enough to spend some time undergoing training at Canons head office in Sydney. However, it wasn’t until Hudson was born that I really fell in love with photographing children.

In my spare time I love going out on adventures with my boys, exploring both local and further afield places.

I am food obsessed so I never turn down a lunch or dinner with friends or family (especially as my boys are fussy eaters and refuse to veer away from anything but a beige plate of food!).

I’m addicted to learning and am currently half way through studying towards a degree in Arts & Humanities with the Open University. Only 3 years left!

I love a good romance, whether it’s a book or movie. But my biggest desire in life is to travel and see as much of the world as possible.

Along with my boys I also live with a Bichon Frise called Pip and two rabbits called Whispa and Milo.

Rebecca Morgan with a camera



Authenticity to me is trying to live your best life no matter what it takes. You don’t necessarily agree with the majority, you don’t do things the way that social media tells you to. You do what works best for you now and for your future. 
This is pretty much how young kids live their lives. They don’t worry about what other people think, about whether they should or shouldn’t be doing something. Nor do they even worry about whether what they want to do will benefit anyone other than themselves!  


Rebecca Morgan Photography
